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NSSF Launches Resource Page For Vets About VA Health Care and Guns

Published On: 10/16/2024

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has launched a new webpage dedicated to providing crucial resources for military veterans, aiming to dispel widespread misconceptions that prevent many veterans from seeking healthcare from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The webpage features a fact sheet titled “Correcting Mistaken Beliefs about VA Confiscating Veterans' Guns,” which addresses concerns among veterans who fear that seeking medical care--especially mental health care--could lead to the confiscation of their firearms.

Continue reading NSSF Launches Resource Page For Vets About VA Health Care and Guns at The Truth About Guns.

The Famous Witch Trials of Salem: Hysteria and Accusations

Published On: 10/2/2024

In American history, few events are as infamous and haunting as the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. This dark chapter unfolded in the small colonial town of Salem, Massachusetts. There a wave of hysteria and paranoia led to the wrongful persecution and execution of innocent people accused of witchcraft. The witch hunts of Salem remain […]

The post The Famous Witch Trials of Salem: Hysteria and Accusations appeared first on Athlon Outdoors.

The History of PKM, the Most Common Machine Gun In the World. Part 5

Published On: 10/16/2024
In   Part 1  of this article, I wrote about the beginning of the Kalashnikov machinegun story, Part 2  was dedicated to the bureaucratic hoops he initially had to jump through, Part 3  described the technical triаls and competition between the Kalashnikov and his rivals, Nikitin and Sokolov. Part 4 was about troop trials. In this chapter, I will talk about the end of the trials and their results.

Hunting with a Handgun & “Neural Shock” Effect?

Published On: 10/7/2024
A high-velocity projectile passing through the heart will cause an enormous (but brief) wave of over-pressure, instantly increasing blood-pressure in the brain and spinal cord to well above tissue-damaging levels.